Portal 2 Easter Egg - That Sounds familiar (possible spoiler)

On Chapter 2, Test Chamber 6, midway through when you need to press a button to get a Weighted Companion Cube, GLaDOS instead throws trash at you first. One of the items she throws at you is a radio. When you pick it up (or at least get near it), you can slightly hear an instrumental version of "Still Alive," the famous song used during the closing credits in Portal 1.

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  9.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Alex on 04-27-2011
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
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gabarise writes:
You must get the garbage in the window near where you had to place your portals when first going through the chamber. Follow the garbage and there's a rat man's lair, where you can arrange to put the radio at a specific spot, in a similar way the first Portal's Transmission received achievement.
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Cronos Dage writes:
I haven't checked this egg lately, but it is playing the same song from Portal 1 and the radio can be found maybe elsewhere in the game, I think. You can get the Final Transmission achievement as mentioned by saving the radio and creating some portals to find the Rattman den. This is related to the Valve ARG #1 transmissions from an update to Portal 1. (Transmission Received achievement)
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Actually, this is a secret code. If you use some kind of decoder in the web you'll see a... well... see for yourselves. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpQZTBDQUbQ&feature=related Sorry if my english is wrong. It's not my native language.
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