GIMP Easter Egg - F1 Reference in Gimp

1. Run GIMP
2. Double-click File Menu, then triple-click Edit menu
3. Now open GIMP's About box (in Help menu it should be)
4. Wait during list of people who made GIMP.
5. One of them will be Michael Schumacher!

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  6.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Darkhog on 03-28-2011
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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trogoz writes:
This is not an easter egg. You can see Michael Schumacher's name simply by clicking Help > About and click on the credits button. I doubt this has anything to do with the F1 driver as Mr Schumacher is listed on the gimp homepage as one of the developers.
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