Tie Fighter Easter Egg - Reference to MST3K

First off, get to the mission where you have to protect the shuttle and the transport as they dock with each other. The one where the order to attack is given by the sentence "Full speed to Killimar!", where you're paying the ransom money for the scientists.

Cycle through the different craft with your Heads-up-display thing, which shows you images of the craft and their names. There should be a beacon with the name "MST3K-1" or something along these lines. MST3K is short for Mystery Science Theater 3000, the hilarious TV show...

User Rating:
  4.1/10 with 60 votes
Contributed By: Locdog07 on 01-07-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A copy of TIE Fighter
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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CloudVII writes:
What the heck are you talking about? I play TF every day and there is no mission like that.
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CloudVII, what version of TIE Fighter do you use? Because I do remember this mission, and I use TIE98. That's the one that came in a gift pack with X-wing 98 and X-wing vs. Tie Fighter Flight School.
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Janors writes:
Yeah I remember this mission clearly. However, I never made the connection. Nice!
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Yes, there is.
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