Titanic Easter Egg - The Artist's Hands

During the portrait scene, the hands of the artist aren't Di Caprio's, but those of Cameron himself!

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  3.9/10 with 214 votes
Contributed By: Marco&Ele on 01-06-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Simply watching the movie!
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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s_jacobson writes:
That may be true, James Cameron himself drew that picture
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smileygurrl writes:
This _is_ true.
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Knightshade writes:
And the music playing is the only solo piece by Titanic theme composer James Horner
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CoZmO writes:
Cameron's hands? How can you prove it???
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brimstoned writes:
THIS IS HIS HANDS...even says in the making of titanic (even though the movie sucked)
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CoZmO writes:
OK: if it has been said in the making, then IT IS NOT AN EGG!!
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Filoli writes:
You are right...it's not an egg. It is James Cameron's hands by the way...he told the story on Oprah.
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Agastino writes:
Hey CoZmO and Filoli. Let me ask you, what is an easter egg? It's a funny or interesting thing put into movies or programs by their makers, which would normally not be found. This is true, (his hands ARE Cameron's) and was INTENTIONALLY put in, and is therefore an easter egg. Oh, Ikkan. The solo piece was written AND performed by Horner. It says so in the 2nd Titanic soundtrack. Cameron did not perform it.
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Trp writes:
CAMERON really loves his CAMEOS
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Yira writes:
This is not an easter egg....... Titanic was not a boat........ Titan AE was not named Titanic AE........ President Roosevelt's picture is on the dime Rose hands Jack....... the canoe sinks.... people die, people cry, Rose rides a horse and then she dies, Cameron shags old Rose's granddaughter, his wife leaves him, and Bill Paxton is Chet on Weird Science......see it doesn't matter.... if you think it's an egg, POST IT!
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gBar writes:
yea, not only is it his hands, but Cameron, who is left handed, had to draw the picture right handed, since Leo dicaprio is right handed. pretty interesting in my opinion. :-)
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buttered_fly writes:
Cameron drew it with his right hand not because DiCaprio is, but maybe because Jack is. Do you think it's DiCaprio that matters in the film (that they have to know him well, so and so...)?
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Renee writes:
James Cameron is also an artist?
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Jewel_e writes:
I'd say that this is not an egg.. But who cares. He didn't put it in the movie to be funny or interesting, he put his own hands in there because leo can't draw and HE CAN.. But who cares.
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sveardze writes:
OK, I'm not sure if this is an egg, so I'm placing it in this comment: at the very end of the movie where Rose is dead and is making her way to the Grand Staircase... the doors open, people are flooding the room, etc. etc.--right before it leaves her point of view, if I'm not mistaken, you can see Cal. Just his head and just for a brief second... far off in the crowd. Everyone around me says it's not Cal and that he has too much stubble. Now, given the whole symbolism of this ending scene, would this be an egg? Since, you know, only "nice people" are in it??
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the hands are too old to be Leo DiCaprios
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cazzie writes:
yo, the thing about cal's head in the crowd at the wedding at the end is totally correct- i noticed it too.
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Justanote writes:
Cameron drew it left handed and flipped the picture
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