Toy Story 3 Easter Egg - Ness

When the phone toy is telling Woody how to escape when hes saying how to get over the wall 3 or 4 toys are climbing up the wall to escape and get caught.If you look at the 1st toy climbing its Ness from EarthBound!

User Rating:
  5.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Zeng on 06-28-2010
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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ahllyks writes:
i wondered what made them decide to put him in there?
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Zeng writes:
I know I said the same thing. I thought maybe there were playing Earthbound or SuperSmash Bros.
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hedjeroo writes:
It isn't Ness. I can see how you can think it is but it's not. Ness doesn't wear dungarees/overalls.
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MiniStig1 writes:
That's not Ness, the clothing (apart from the baseball hat) and colors are completely different
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