Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Easter Egg - Another Bear

Start to play the level The Hornet's Nest and stick with Ghost at the start. He should go right at the tower when the fighting begins, if not go right and fight through the house. I just mention him so you will not get lost. After killing all the enemies, stick to the wall until you're in a grassy area with a house at the bottom right of the row. You should find a gap between the wall and house leading into an alley. At the end is a teddy bear on a drum with a handprint picture and a movie poster on the wall.

User Rating:
  10.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-04-2010
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: System, game
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A little background on this, my friend's uncle is a designer for Infinity Ward and he designed this level. The poster is a picture of him and the painting was made by his infant daughter
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