Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Easter Egg - Hidden Kojima Logo

1.start the game. be sure you can see it good, select the infiltrate the mountain facility mission.
3.go to equipment. the battle dress.
5.start the mission.
6.clear the first field.
7.go to the second field and defeat all soldiers.
8.go to the place where the first soldier was.
9.look at the right shoulder of snake while you are trying to place the camera very close to his shoulder. should see the kojima productions logo, but with the text fox under it.

User Rating:
  5.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 05-24-2010
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: you need a psp and at least the demo of this game
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Ash Rimmer writes:
that isnt the kojima logo, it is the fox logo before bcoming the fox with a knive in its mouth and called foxhound, kojima used the fox logo as thier logo back starting on mgs 3 snake eater. if you go play snake eater you will see it is the logo for both fox and kojima studios
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