Delta Force 2 Easter Egg - Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG)

1-Open the console with [`] and type in
thetrooper - God mode
sunandsteel - Reload ammo
diewithyourbootson - Unlimited ammo
stilllife - Invisibility
revelations - 8 artillery shots

2-Command line parameters:
/d - Read resources from directory instead of pff.
/r - Record Demo (single player only)
/p filename - Playback demo
/s - Turn on save scores mode
/sys - Get system information
/? - Show this list

User Rating:
  6.7/10 with 155 votes
Contributed By: Burak : LiveC00l on 01-04-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Delta Force 2
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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hutch writes:
I'd like to try the cheats for DF2 but they won't work anyone got any ideas!!! I don't get "the console" to put the codes in?
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knowone writes:
When you activate the unlimited ammo cheat this game calls you a pansy
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Mr. E writes:
These only work OFFLINE, and to bring up the "console" press ` (the key below ~). It's a different key for European Keyboard users, press F1 to see which key your "Command Prompt" key is, then you can type these in that box.
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DarkHunter writes:
It calls you a pansy because most games usually insult or taunt you if you enter a code.
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