Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Easter Egg - Teddy Bears and Infinity Ward Creators

We all know about the teddy bears scattered around the maps, one in favela sitting on a mattress, one in estate with a knife through its head, and another in Afghan, near a door with blood around it. But many people don't notice the movie posters around them. For example,in the movie poster "Porter Justice" in Quarry, there is a man pointing his finger; this is Markey McCandish, the designer for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. There is also a woman holding up a cell phone in the map Terminal; this woman is,Jessica Stern, the wife of Jesse Stern (the writer for COD2). There are many other posters, but they are just people that helped develop the game. Have fun finding these eggs! P.S. If you find one of the posters, look at the bottom right corner, and you will find the Infinity Ward sign, showing that they are members of Infinity Ward! Happy Hunting!

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  5.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-22-2010
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
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scaper2.0 writes:
there's a bear in hornets nest as well if you haven't found it go up the hill at the start then go right go through the shack past a car through the little building out the door then go right through some plants to a dead end alley where it will be.
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