Captain's Chair Easter Egg - Play Games on the Bridge of the USS

1. Start Captain's Chair, and select NCC-1701
2. Click on the viewing panels around the perimeter of the bridge.
3. Not all panels have games, but some of the games you can play are concentration, hangman, lights out!, pac-man, and connect-4.

User Rating:
  6.7/10 with 19 votes
Contributed By: Larry Holloman on 07-15-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Windows 95 or better
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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LEONE184 writes:
This program has to be one of the best (and most under-rated) trek collectables , the detail is incredible. All the other ships to choose from are photo- realistic, but the original 1701 is really just a well rendered cartoon.
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