Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Easter Egg - Kentucky Fried Rojas

At the start of the mission "The Hornet's Nest," turn away from your comrades and head back down the hill towards the houses. Behind a car is Rojas, the man you shot in the leg in "Takedown," hooked up to a car battery, clinging to life. You can take care of him however you see fit.

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  7.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 01-20-2010
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
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Coonor writes:
This isnt an egg. Rojas is sitting right in front of you as you start the mission. One of the characters says the locals will come to finish him. It isnt hidden at all.
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huz71yuy writes:
What????? at the beginning of The Hornets nest you see Rojas but in the mission Takedown you shoot Rojaas's right hand man in the leg at the start of the mission.
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