Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Easter Egg - 1337 Train in Derail

On the multiplayer map "derail" one can find a blue freight train engine whose number is 1337. A reference to the widely-used internet meme referring to an old hacker group.

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: DrunkenClam91 on 11-23-2009
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: multiplayer on derail map
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zephalis writes:
Nice job, except that 1337 is not the name of an old hacker group. It's the word leet as in 'elite' which is a term once used to describe someone from the upper echelon of hackers.
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nice find,but the numbers 1337,means leet,in elite words.Leet,was a hacker group that would hack anything that they would get there hands on,including video games,government papers,and computers
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Wonderful find,but like the others said 1337 wasn't nothing of a group of hackers. Leet, also known as eleet or leetspeak, is an alternative alphabet for the English language that is used primarily on the Internet. It uses various combinations of ASCII characters to replace Latinate letters. For example, leet spellings of the word leet include 1337 and l33t; eleet may be spelled 31337 or 3l33t. The term leet is derived from the word elite. The leet alphabet is a specialized form of symbolic writing. Leet may also be considered a substitution cipher, although many dialects or linguistic varieties exist in different online communities. The term leet is also used as an adjective to describe formidable prowess or accomplishment, especially in the fields of online gaming and in its original usage, computer hacking. It's like another language for extreme computers users.(geeks)
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Well put 3ZZY, well put.
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