Avatar: The Last Airbender Easter Egg - Pocahontas Reference

Katara's necklace is given to her by her mother who was killed in the war. Pocahontas' necklace is also given to her by her mother when her mother died. The necklaces both look very similar. They both have a blue band holding up a silver stone.

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Contributed By: Quegurjin on 09-28-2009
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
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Polaris writes:
Actually, it's not really a reference to Pochahontas. I myself own the artbook for the show which contains commentary and discusses all easter eggs and references. Katara's necklace isn't a silver charm with a blue band. It is a blue charm with a black band. The leaving of a memento to a family member by another family member during a war is also something that happens in real life and often occurs in fiction dealing with wars. Mike and Bryan's inspirations were also anime (Miyazaki's movies especially), mythology, and real cultures. Pochahontas was not an inspiration. Sorry about the long comment, just wanted to clear something up.
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