Wolfenstein Easter Egg - It's Not Over Yet...

Oh great! I finished the GAME!
Happy as you are, you watch the scene at the end and after you have watched it come the credits...

PFF, credits? Who watches them anyway?
You just decide to skip them, and even more happily you discover that you've unlocked cheat mode.
Starting a new campaign you rush into the world with superpowers...



Az B.J. said: "I'd like to believe he (General Deathshead) died in the crash (Zeppelin Crash), but someway I think we haven't heard the last of him" (NOTE: Not exact quote)
If you wait until the end of the fairly long credits, you will discover a scene which implies that there will be a sequel.

User Rating:
  10.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Vaxalox on 09-25-2009
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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techtitan writes:
Yup it sure is true.But better,you can skip the credits and go back to the cinematics option in the campaign menu and watch the last cinematic!The same thing i bet.
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Vaxalox writes:
@ techtitan yeah, that sounds more reasonable than waiting, thanks for the tip :) - OP
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