Learn to Program BASIC Easter Egg - Be Patient for the Yeti

1. Launch Learn to Program BASIC.
2. Get to the main menu screen.
3. Hold the keys Y and 7 (for Yeti-7) and go to Help->About Learn To Program BASIC.
4. A message appears, "There's no magic, no aliens, no yetis, and no easter egg either!"
5. Skip back to the main menu.
6. Hold the keys 3, L, and T and go to Help->About Learn To Program BASIC.
7. Another message appears, "Patience is a virtue."
8. Enjoy the music video.

User Rating:
  5.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-30-2009
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: Interplay's Learn to Program BASIC
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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GMMan writes:
Looking through with a debugger today, I also found it. However, you don't need to hold Y7 to initialize the video, only 3LT. Also, if you held Y7, you can still get to the video by holding NAP and clicking OK. You have to have run 3LT before, though, to make it work. The video is stored as Master.Prs under LTPB's program folder as a QuickTime Movie after it has been decrypted. Trivia: The message "Patience is a virtue" was actually telling you to wait while the video decrypts. Computers back then must have been a bit slow for you to be impatient for what is now a few seconds of waiting.
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