Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Easter Egg - Barrels of "Carboneto"

In the stormy scene on the ship, Indiana Jones is approached by the villain who has kept the Cross of Coronado for years. As the villain comes toward him he walks alongside a stack of steel drums. Lightning momentarily illuminates the drums, showing their labels-- carboneto. (In reference to the carbonite-frozen Han Solo/Harrison Ford in The Empire Strikes Back).

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  7.3/10 with 3 votes
Contributed By: r0bb on 02-16-2009
Reviewed By: dicai, MonicaIngram
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Aboard the ship
Aboard the ship "Coronado" on the Portuguese coast

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mjb359 writes:
Carboneto is Portuguese for Carbide. Carbide as in Calcium Carbide. It's in Portuguese because they're off the coast of Portugal. Which fits the rest of the Portuguese warning on the barrels for Hazardous Chemicals. Calcium Carbide plus water plus spark/flame equals huge explosion, which explains why the boat went up in a huge explosion when the cans came falling down. Now, it might be that Lucas got the idea for "Carbonite" from the Portuguese Carboneto, but you're really reaching with this one, and unless you can find documented evidence of the Filmmaker's intentions, you're seeing things that aren't there.
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