Final Fantasy Easter Egg - Hidden Sliding Puzzle Game

Get on the airship and press A + B 55 times. You'll be taken to a hidden puzzle-like game. Whee!

User Rating:
  6.4/10 with 60 votes
Contributed By: Rick O'Shay on 01-01-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Original Nintendo Entertainment System and the game
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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it's actually the boat.
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EggsTheName writes:
You also forgot mention that every time you complete this little 15 piece puzzle you will be rewarded with an extra 100 in your money.
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also in one of the castles you can find an invisible person... It's been along time since I've played so I don't remember the castle but you bump into him and can't walk through a single block... if you talk to him the invisible man will tell you something... forgot what it was tough it was a long time ago
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dennyk writes:
The invisible woman is actually in Castle Coneria, the starting point of the game. In fact, the woman is actually a bug, not an Easter egg. Notice that whenever you enter an enclosed room with a door, the rest of the outside world becomes invisible, and whatever is inside the room (and any other room you can see on the screen) becomes visible. This woman was accidentally placed on the "room" layer instead of the "outside" layer, so she only becomes visible when you're inside of a room. Unfortunately, there is no room near enough to view the woman, but you can use a Game Genie cheat code to walk through the wall of another room and see the invisible woman. See: More FF1 secrets at:
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