Total drama island Easter Egg - Killroy Was There Too!

in every episode, the campers in that little outhouse room talking to the camera. if you look behind them you will see the killroy sign.the "brothers in arms" games hide killroy signs that you have to find. it looks like a man with a big nose lokking over a wall.

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  8.7/10 with 3 votes
Contributed By: normalspot on 12-08-2008
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
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Bread writes:
This egg is sooo much older than Brothers And Arms; they had it in there because they thought it would be funny to the PC gamers who played games back in the DOS days. "Killroy Was Here" dates back to 'Crystal Caves', and even further. There are obviously some artists on the show who are very into oldschool video games.
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Lolroflmao writes:
I think it may be a reference to the Styx's album Kilroy Was Here.
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Pathseeker writes:
Jesus! They don't teach you anything in school these days, apparently. Do you really think that Styx or a game designer could come up with anything original? "Kilroy was here" dates from at least WWII. See .
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