City of Heroes Easter Egg - Ascendant on the Phone

Awhile ago in CoH there was a character named Ascendant. He used to stand by payphones for hours and have highly entertaining fake conversations with various fake people (his wife, his agent, his lawyer) these conversations were very funny (you only got to hear one side) but he eventually stopped doing them because people would just follow him around.

His legacy however lives on, because every once in a great while, when an npc uses a phone you'll here them say something to the effect of "Ascendant? Who's that?"
"Ascendant, who? I'm sorry, you have the wrong number."

User Rating:
  8.0/10 with 3 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 11-13-2008
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
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gyronnygeek writes:
Ascendant was always one of my favorite characters in the game. He continued the phone shtick up until the very end, changing his script to be a phone call to NCsoft to urge them to reconsider closing the game. As an aside, I know the player personally, and can attest that he's actually a cooler guy than Ascendant.
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