Gauntlet Legends Easter Egg - Chicken Boy

1. Put in quarters.

2. At the initials screen enter EGG.

3. Then at the password screen enter 911.

4. If you did this you should get a chicken that shoots fire.

User Rating:
  6.6/10 with 41 votes
Contributed By: The great Gauntlet on 12-28-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Quarters and an arcade that has it.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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sobek writes:
where is the password screen? i have the n64 version. could that be why it isnt there?
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Brian writes:
Quite possibly because it says "Arcade"...just maybe.
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Anthony writes:
Try it!! It is so FUNNY!!!! I tried it on "Gauntlet: Dark Legacy" and it works on that one, too! The other players and I were laughing our butts off while we played. There's only one problem: for some reason, you can't use magic if you're playing the Chicken, so you might want to let other players grab the magic potions. But it's a trip playing the Chicken!!
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Ryanbomber writes:
Also, there is one Power-up in the Dreamcast version that automaticly turns you into the fireball shooting chicken. At least in the demo disk... It's still fun to run around as a chicken and peck people to death...?
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The chicken, also known as 'Pojo', shoots fireballs instead of the usual attacks. Like someone else mentioned, he cannot use any magic potions he picks up, so if you're playing solo, you might as well shoot the potions. Yeah, you get less of an effect, but at least you *have* an effect. Pojo will level-up exactly like the character type you've chosen would - secret character choices at level 10, familiar at level 25, better weapon at 50, upgraded familiar at 75, and extra attack power at level 99. The best part, though, is Pojo's turbo attack. Instead of having three distinct attacks, for the three different charge levels, he has one - flame breath. The turbo attack will only take away ONE level of his gauge, so you can chain three of the things in rapid succession, or only use one at a time to clear out a small area. Watch out, though, because he *will* set off anything in a barrel, like a Death or a potion. Oh yeah... and watch out for the food you grab, too. Fruit is fine, as are steaks, racks of rib, etc. BUT DON'T TAKE ANY CHICKEN! To Pojo, any kind of chicken is treated like poisoned food (-50 health). Leave those for your teammates.
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