Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Easter Egg - Odd Eggs?

Ok, I dont know if this is an eegg, secret, or a glitch, but it wont stop happening.

1) Put Kazza, the abra you got for your machop in the day care.
2) Now put in Ponyta
3) Level them up until they are both around level 25
4) Take out Abra
5) Put in Bunary (The rabbit thing)
6) Wait and an egg will appear.

Ok Kazza the abra has to be a male, the ponyta a girl, and the bunary a guy. The egg appears every time you leave the town so they must be getting pretty freaky. This is a good way for a ponyta tohave un-learnable moves too.

User Rating:
  3.8/10 with 25 votes
Contributed By: Pheonix on 06-10-2008
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: Bunary, ponyta, and Kazza the traded abra
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Lukas E writes:
Yeah, this is nothing special. It's called 'breeding', and it can be done with almost every pokemon. Buneary and Ponyta happen to be breedable, therefore you get an egg.
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GARRETT writes:
man you would think pokemon getatles would be limited to there own species. seriously we dont see ducks and squrrls !@#ing in real life now do we?
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AndrewMac writes:
You can put in a Skitty and a Wailord and they'll mate and make an egg. :D
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