Google Earth Easter Egg - Scissored Car

36 06 49 30N 115 10 21 86W

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  0.8/10 with 43 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 04-14-2008
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: Works only with the newer versions of Google Earth (must support Historical Imagery), because the picture was replaced.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

Warning! 36°06'49.30 That's how you can see it! Really scissored!
Warning! 36°06'49.30"N 115°10'21.86"W and... where is the car ? That's how you can see it! Really scissored!
This is where the
This is where the "scissored" car is, found by Connor Milloy!

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


Javuz writes:
I don't see... Where is the car??
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I can't see it either
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[Mikey] writes:
I can't see it either...we need pictures...
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Master1354 writes:
i have found it i will send a picture some time i promise
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MaxD511 writes:
i put in the coords and they didnt work
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Aspen82 writes:
I don't get what we are supposed to be seeing here....
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Aspen82 writes:
36°06'49.30"N, 115°10'21.86"W Also, those coordinates work better when cut n' pasted.
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Emily writes:
In the bottom-left corner, the other half of a black car 'disappears' under the shadow of a palm tree. But I think it just looks like it. <3--Emily--<3
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WOnder93 writes:
You can't see it because the image with scissored car was already replaced with new image. To display the original image, you must use a tool called 'Historical Imagery' and select date 'Mar 3, 2006'. This works only on latest versions of Google Earth.
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mister RH writes:
WOnder93 is correct ... if you go back to 2006 you will see a car cut in half ... obviously the boundary between 2 satellite photos taken at different times fell in the middle of the road. In one photo, the car was there, in the other photo the car was NOT there ... and since the boundary was right through the middle of the car, only half the car appears. It looks like someone cut the car in half lengthwise. very interesting!
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zoco007 writes:
It's because the car is moving you spanner
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