Google Maps Easter Egg - KFC Man

1) Go to
2) Click the "driving directions" link under the search bar.
3) Enter "37.646362,-115.751004" in the start address, and enter "37.646566, -115.750982" in the end address.
4) Click Ok.
5) Gaze upon the KFC Man and all his glory.

**Remember to enter the numbers WITHOUT the quotes if you want to find the KFC Man.

User Rating:
  5.0/10 with 35 votes
Contributed By: sglider12 on 04-09-2008
Reviewed By: The Myth Mapper JC, MonicaIngram
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Teego56 writes:
Nothing happened except that I got driving directions for a 75-foot stretch on Groom Road.
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stupot writes:
Technically it's Colonel Sanders. Great Egg. It seems someone made a painting of him? Who knows. Good show.
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nc1recruiter writes:
When you do this egg, make sure that Satellite is selected and you will see the KFC Man east of Groom Rd.
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Twunk writes:
LOL! That's amazing!
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Anthony M writes:
Cool! By the way did anyone notice the name of the highway?
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Marty_P writes:
This isn't an egg as such -- according to Wikipedia it was an actual physical object on the ground in Rachel, Nevada - quoting: "In 2006 KFC created a giant company logo on the ground at the north edge of Rachel and claimed it to be the first logo visible from space... Constructed in early November, it took six days on site to assemble its 65,000 coloured tiles on 87,500 square feet (8,130 m2) of flat desert terrain. The logo also had a hidden message on the tie area of the logo that featured an impostor colonel holding a sign over his head, reading "Finger Lickin' Good". Although the logo was removed in mid-2007, it is still visible on Google Earth."
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