Armageddon (1998) Easter Egg - Box Office War with Godzilla

1 . Near the beginning of the film we see a black guy riding a bike with his little dog in New York

2. When he stops outside a TV store or similar, his dog goes to attack an toy inflatable Godzilla that is being sold be a rather fat street vendor.

This is in reference to a stab at the "film" Godzilla which was showing in Cinemas roughly at the same time as Armageddon

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  4.2/10 with 275 votes
Contributed By: ricke on 12-23-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: any version of the film
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Shrop writes:
I don't think so, keep in mind movies can take years to make, especially one with many computer animated scenes like Armageddon, so I don't think anyone could have seen that far ahead to take a stab at another movie playing at that time.
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I am well aware of the fact they can shoot scenes later and edit them back in. And yes, I will concede that this could all very well be clever editing, but it is in that scene when the meteor shower starts, so it is just a gut instinct of mine that this one is a fake.
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The BJC writes:
Let's take a look at some of the facts here: 1. Armageddon was in production for, let's say two years. 2. Godzilla was in production at the same time. 3. The contemporary remake of Godzilla was not exactly kept quiet; it was heavily promoted and it was well know to be a 1998 release. 4. Blockbusters are well known to come out in the summer. Bay and Bruckheimer knew what they were going up against with a summer release. They even pushed their release later in the summer to miss the majority of the "big" movies that were expected, such as Godzilla. The inclusion of the Godzilla image was two-fold: to give a quick joke to first release audiences that were in "the know" and to give the film a lasting image. I think the first is adequatley described in the egg itself, but the second, and the larger reason for including Godzilla is simple: Godzilla is big and he destroys, but he is nowhere near as big as the incoming asteroid. It gives the audience a sense of the scope of the disaster Bruce Willis and crew are facing. But that could just be me the film critic coming through again.
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big daddy writes:
You are completely correct about the jab at Godzilla. I worked on the film and can tell you that it was a very intentional joke while shooting and had been planned to such a point that Michael Bay had it drawn into the the story boards.
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Shrop writes:
Well, looks like everyone is ganging up on me, hmm! But it APPEARS that ricke was correct,. . . and so I shall concede defeat!
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S.I.R. Meri writes:
Actually, I think it's just there because it's in New York City, and NYC has a lot of Godzilla crap for sell on the streets. Not EVERYTHING is an eegg, y'all. Some things CAN be coincidental.
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Pennywise writes:
S.I.R. - NYC doesn't really have alot Godzilla crap around. It was most likely intentional because they close everything down when shooting a film and only put actors and things that they want there (I don't know if I'm making as much sense to you as I am myself,) and with two heavily computer edited movies being produced at the same time, they probablly knew about it.
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Excalibur writes:
Big production films have a release date very far in advance. It was definitely known about Godzilla. Listen to the sound the Godzilla makes. It's the same as the version they are jabbing at...
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Stoehr72 writes:
It WAS an intentional jab at Godzilla. Bay said so himself on the commentary of the Criterion edition DVD of Armaggedon. He said that dog was specially trained to rip the crap out of the Godzillas.
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Luke writes:
Does anyone actually believe 'Big Daddy' when he writes that he worked on the movie? I think that it is most likley coincidence.
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jAsMiNe J writes:
Did anyone else find it creepy that it was NYC that got hit? And isn't that shot at the end of the scene scary? When they do a wide shot of the city in ruins? Also, notice that the WTC is still standing with a huge gaping hole in the side. (Conspiracy theorists of the world unite... :-D)
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