Unreal Tournament 2004 Easter Egg - What the Mini-nuke Says to U

this is a bit difficult to do.

i did it by shooting someone with a rocket, then switching to my redeemer and alt firing it.

my rocket killed the guy and it was my 30th frag-which was the limit.

instead of the camera showing me doing taunts, it showed the mini-nuke in mid-air.

i thought it was cool, and i was looking at it when i realized that on the uderside of it.........it says something sweet...........but i will let u find out what it says

if u really cant get it, i will tell u if u e-mail me.

User Rating:
  1.8/10 with 12 votes
Contributed By: jeff dury on 01-25-2008
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: win a game while guiding the redeemer
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Panther writes:
I think that's a reference to a movie like Dr Strangelove or something, or actual soldiers wrote things on the WOMDs...the Futurama team did the same thing in the Roswell episode.
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PCG342 writes:
What's the 2k4 one say? I know in UT classic, the Redeemer says "Adios!"
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