Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines Easter Egg - Here, Doggie Doggie...

While you're at the Lucky Star hotel in Hollywood, you might notice some rooms that just won't open; no key obtained in the game can open these three or four doors, in fact. But there's a funny easter egg hidden in there. Just follow these steps carefully.

Activate the console (it is done by adding the lines " -console" just at the end of Vampire's desktop icon shortcut command line), and open it by pressing the tilde button. Now insert the cheat noclip; you'll be able to pass through doors...

Now check the closed doors; behind one of these you'll find, on the bed, a funny, blood splattered surprise...

User Rating:
  5.0/10 with 4 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 01-15-2008
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
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koira writes:
That is not an Easter Egg. It's the werewolf head that is the result of Nines Rodriguez being grabbed by a werewolf in Griffith Park towards the end of the game. Easter Egg reporting FAIL.
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