Wii Sports Easter Egg - Throw the Bowling Ball Behind You

Start a game of Wii Sports Bowling. To throw the ball behind you, hold the Remote in a vertical position in front of your face. Hold the B Trigger (to start your Mii running). Suddenly draaw the Remote behind you in a downward swing, and let go just after the Remote points straight down.
If it works correctly The camera should follow the ball and pan behind you. The Miis behind you (usually other Miis you've created) and the audience will jump and scream (and jeer and applaud). Also, they'll pirourette (spin and jump).
This does not count as a throw.

User Rating:
  3.2/10 with 16 votes
Contributed By: Nox13last on 01-06-2008
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Daniel writes:
yeah, i did this once by accident while playing wii sports on my brothers wii, its amazing how the wii remote really does emulate human actions into virtual ones, i was surprised to find this because i thought the wii remote was just a movement thing and not all about "where" you move it... if that makes any sense. lol :) nice egg though
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Tsuzyoko writes:
I don't really think this is an egg. However, I have a friend that has tried to throw the ball in another lane and got a strike in it. It is pretty cool.
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vinniiee writes:
Yeah, It's cool but not an egg... however it's weird :-S...
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