Portal Easter Egg - The Big Bad Jellyfish

After escaping from the test chambers, you will eventually meet the rocket turret for the first time. Just before you do there will be a room in the hallway leading to the rocket turret. It will have two monitors (if you have commentary on it's the room where the voice of GLaDOUS talks about how GLaDOUS is sarcastic) just to the right of the monitors there is a drawing on the wall of what appears to be a jellyfish. Under the jellyfish it says "BIG BAD JELLYFISH WANTED." This may be a future 'boss'(this is just a thought and is entirely unoffical) in the Boreallis in Half-Life Two Episode Three which requires the usage of the portal gun once inside the ship.

User Rating:
  8.4/10 with 14 votes
Contributed By: Sizemon on 12-18-2007
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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- sizemon Nice little jellyfish
- sizemon Nice little jellyfish

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Sizemon writes:
apparently there is also a 'nice little jellyfish' on a wall somewhere else.
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Jedi Sean writes:
There is no "u" in GLaDOS.
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Squiffy writes:
From the look of it, especially when comparing to the "nice" jellyfish, the "Wanted" part is just to show that it's a wanted poster. That's my theory, anyway!
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21 of 40 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No

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