Guitar Hero II Easter Egg - Vh1's "Supergroup" Reference

If you open up the manual to GHM 6 in the reader's letters section you'll see this:

Reader Q: Your magazine talks a lot about rock. What is rock?

Philip F, New York, New York

Magazine A: Rock is a SAVAGE ANIMAL!!!

This is an extremely vague reference to Sebastian Bach's unbelievably annoying persistence on the reality show "Supergroup" that they name the band "Savage Animal" with EXACTLY that quote. After repeating it no less than 500 times in competition with Evan's idea of "Raw Dog" (IT's GOD WAR BACKWARDS!) they eventually settle on "Supergroup".

Note: "Raw Dog" strangely has apparently nothing to do with the song by the same name in the bonus track's section.

User Rating:
  6.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: JPhinfan86 on 12-17-2007
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: A copy of GH 2's Instruction Manual
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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JPhinfan86 writes:
Check Bach's wikipedia page and go down to the "Bands" section. You'll see Savage Animal as one of his bands because it was on they had considered. They ultimately chose "Damn-ocracy" I now recall.
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