Guitar Hero 3 Easter Egg - Nice Hand

Insert a copy of Guitar Hero 3 into the nearest ps2 (but don't break into anyone's house to do so) go to career, practice or quick play (whichever one, doesn't matter), select any song (whichever one's your favorite) and while it's loading, look at the guitar player's tattoos. Beside the dice is a pair of cards. Now as you can see one of them is a 7, and the other number is blocked but there are 3 spades on the card which is taking reference to the song "3's & 7's (by Queens of the Stone Age)," which is included in the game.

User Rating:
  5.8/10 with 8 votes
Contributed By: that guy on 12-12-2007
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: Guitar Hero 3 (PS2 version), good eyes
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rockhead writes:
This also works on the Wii version
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