Avatar: The Last Airbender Easter Egg - Zim Homage, or, Reference to Zim

Watch the episode until they get on the Ba Sing Se Tram System and Sokka says "I'm just saying, weird things just keep happening to us!" A guy sucking on an ear of corn then sits near him and Toph. That's a reference, or homage, to Invader Zim!

User Rating:
  6.0/10 with 2 votes
Contributed By: Delacroix on 12-06-2007
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: A way of seeing the episode "City of Walls and Secrets"
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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J writes:
I never really saw invader Zim but I know who he is but how is this a reference to him? Was corn his favorite food or do you mean the guy kind of looks like him?
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Burning writes:
Okay. First off, this is a reference to Invader Zim from the episode "Gaz, Taster of Pork"...In that episode, there is a hobo who is seen talking to Dib and while he's there, he's sucking on an ear of corn. I hope this helps, of course, the reference won't make sense unless you've actually seen this episode of Invader Zim.
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