Elf Bowling Easter Egg - Bowl 300 Every Time

1. open elf bowling and click play
2. hold "ctrl x" and release

anywhere you aim is a strike

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 666 votes
Contributed By: joe on 12-18-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: elf bowling
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Bob writes:
It's almost impossible because Elliot (the front elf) will move at least once.
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Amyrilla writes:
This works on Amadillo Alley too. Unless the bird picks up the armadillo which it does at least once.
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Chuck writes:
You can get a 300 by continuously tapping the space bar starting before the elves get set down.
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CloudVII writes:
In EB2 you can shoot the penguins on the icebergs in 1 player mode. When you move you cursor to the berg you get a chrosshair. If you hit the body you get 5 pts and a head shot will give you 10 pts.
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CPA12b writes:
EB2: More on shooting penguins In round 3 when the penguins slide down the right side of the iceberg, you get 50 points if you shoot them before they plop in the water. Best way to aim is to watch where one enters the water and aim the cross-hair so the bottom of the circle is sitting on the water horizon just above the splash. Go ahead and click down on the mouse button so all you have to do is release it when the penguin enters your sights. (Shot is not fired until button is released.)
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twztd writes:
Also in EB2, you can sink the iceberg. Just shoot towards the bottom of the berg. You will eventually see a hole and then the berg sinks into the ocean. You might want to wait until you kill all of the penguins though, as they will (obviously) not appear again after the berg is gone.
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egg_breaker writes:
It isn't an egg, its a cheat.
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