Independence Day Easter Egg - TV/Movies References

While watching independence day watch carefully and you should notice several references to other movies and tv shows that have to do with aliens/outer space.

I have found three so far they are:

X-Files:The scene where the t.v. station is trying to get everything fixed,a guy mentions it on the phone right before Jeff goldblums character comes in.

The day the earth stood still:This scene has a close up of a t.v. that keeps crossing channels, watch closely one of the images is a scene from the movie The day the earth stood still.
Note:its the only image in black and white.

2001:a space odyssey:Towards the end of the movie while inside the alien fighter ship (i think) on the laptop is an image of HAL the computer from 2001:a space odyssey, it says hello to jeff goldblums charecter.

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-20-2007
Reviewed By: racedogg2, MorPH
Special Requirements: ID4 Movie
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Eighty8kyz writes:
Another cool touch, is the song: "The End of the World as we know it" by REM at the beginning when they first discover the signal.
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