Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Easter Egg - Sir Ian McKellen in Alastor Moody's Foe-Glass

From 0:50:34 to 0:50:38.
When Alastor Moody is giving advices to Harry Potter, in his office, Harry is looking at the Foe-Glass, then Moody says "That's a Foe-Glass. Lets me keep an eye on my ennemies".

Then we saw the Foe-Glass like Moody saw it.

For a very short time, you can see faces (ennemies of Moody, one of them is Ian McKellen's.
(Ian McKellen Gandalf in Lord og the Rings, Magneto in X-Men...).

Why ?
Because when Richard Harris (Dumbledore actor in HP 1 & 2) die, a rumours that Warner Bros ask him tto play Dumbledore. He don't say yes: "I have NOT agreed to succeed the late Richard Harris in the role of Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies".
He has expressed interest in perhaps playing a different role some time in the future of the series.

I think it explain is apparition in HP 4.

User Rating:
  4.0/10 with 2 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-18-2007
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, racedogg2
Special Requirements: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Zanda Rag writes:
This egg was already on here, but was removed. Know why? BECAUSE IT'S NOT TRUE!
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AEbabe007 writes:
There is definitely a face in the Foe Glass, but it's too hard to say who it is. At times it looks like a woman, but sometimes it looks like a man. It's too hard to tell. It is creepy though because the eyes are black (the whole thing on you're not in danger until you can see the white's of their eyes).
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Denis writes:
That would be professor McGonagall.
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