Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Easter Egg - Reference to Original Games

Entrances and exits from cities in the game are shown by hallways. These hallways often contain non-player characters. In the hallway to the right of Canalave City, there is a guard who will tell you he is thirsty. However, bringing him a drink (or any other item) will not change that. This is a reference to the original Pokemon games, in which players had to give lemonade to a thirsty guard in order to access a certain city.

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  5.0/10 with 14 votes
Contributed By: UnknownWarrior33 on 06-11-2007
Reviewed By: butterhoney12, racedogg2
Special Requirements: Access to Canalave City in the game
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The city that was prohibited access by this event is Saffaron City. In Red, Blue, and Yellow, it was a water, pop, or lemonade. In FireRed and LeafGreen, it is tea from the Celedon Mansion.
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