Defcon: Everybody dies Easter Egg - How About a Nice Game of Chess?

On the main menu, the scrolling text on start up will show the words "how about a nice game of chess?"

This is a reference to the 1983 movie "WarGames"

User Rating:
  2.4/10 with 5 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-11-2007
Reviewed By: butterhoney12, racedogg2
Special Requirements: none
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Goatboy writes:
The actual game is based on the film. The other lists, such as the games listed (chess, backgammon, biological and chemical warfare etc.. and the classic Global Thermonuclear War which is Defon itself) and the projected loss of the American forces and a few others are all lists from the film. Also the three forms of nuclear war are from the film (planes, subs and bases). The only big difference is that the computer CAN win against itself. Who would of thought that a game of absolute nuclear genocide would be so fun...
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