Forrest Gump Easter Egg - A Hint of Apollo 13?

There is a scene in Forest Gump where Forest is playing ping-pong while the broadcast of the first moon walk is on behind him, a significant event in his very next film, Apollo 13. Even more of a hint, Lt. Dan tells Forest in the bar scene on New Years that the day he becomes a shrimp boat captain is the day he becomes, of all things, an astronaut. Both Gary Sinise and Tom Hanks play astronauts in their next film, Apollo 13.

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Contributed By: EricKoch on 12-15-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A copy of the movie
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andgdsmith writes:
Also don't forget when Captain Dan came to Forrest's house with artificial legs and he told Forrest they were made out of titanium alloy, the stuff they were using to make the new space shuttles.
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hannibal writes:
You guys are reading into this stuff a little tooo much. This is not an easter egg. They were just showing how people were more interested in watching "forest" play ping pong than watching one of the most major events in our history (man walking on the moon.)
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fogity writes:
In the bar lt. Dan never says anything about being an astronaut...When Forest says hes gonna be a shrimp boat captain Lt.Dan says "The day that you become a shrimp boat captain,i'll be your first mate!!!" Or at least something real close to that!!! :)
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labraley writes:
It might also be a reference to the fact that, in the book, FORREST GUMP, Forrest gets to be an astronaut and go into space with a woman and a monkey. Then they crash on a cannibal infested island. Just a thought.
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Petfauna writes:
First let me say to andgdsmith: It is Lt. Dan NOT Captain Dan. Secondly, I would like to point out that the events portrayed in "Forrest Gump" were spread throughout the 1950's; 1960's; 1970's and part of the 1980's. The events were historically portrayed. Therefore these are not easter eggs but actual parts of the film's plot. I do not recall the sentiment that Lt. Dan gives to Forrest about becoming a shrimp boat captain, so I will decline to say anything about it. However... I would like to add one last thing... "That's all I have to say about that."
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okay, yes he does say something along the lines of "the day you become a shrimp boat captain, i'll be your first mate." he laughs and then says something like "the day Forrest Gump becomes a shrimp boat captain is the day that i become an astronaut." i just watched the movie. do not argue with me on this.
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S.I.R. Meri writes:
If Apollo 13 came AFTER Forrest Gump, they can't make eggs about Apollo 13 IN Forrest Gump.
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Hannah writes:
I would have thought that everyone would know (I am 18, Australian and have never studied history of this kind) That it was Apollo 11 that landed on the moon. Not Apollo 13. This has nothing to do with anything, give it up!
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Craig writes:
Did you notice that when they first meet Lt. Dan the cloth used as a door to the latrine is a North Vietnamese flag? I don't know if this really is an egg or not but found it an interesting means of stating the opinion of the soldiers who built the latrine.
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It's Apollo 11 on the TV behind him, NOT Apollo 13. This "egg" is fake.
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Lordx writes:
Well I might as well set the record straight here. According to the screenplay that is floating around the web of Forrest Gump (The top of page 78 is you get the PDF file off of LT. Dan's line is and a I quote "If you're ever a shrimp boat captain, thats the day I'm an astronaut". So the line is in the movie, I checked on the DVD as well it's there. Of course, this isn't really an egg, unless Hanks and Seinse had Apollo 13 already set up in the future.
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hawaiianheat writes:
Maybe an egg, maybe not, but I for one have always been curious...did you notice that every time a picture of Forrest is taken his eyes are closed? Anybody know a particular reason for this?
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Druce writes:
Even though the first moon lander was Apollo 11, it is mentioned in this egg because the moon landing is a big part in the movie Apollo 13.
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wendela writes:
Also at the real Bubba Gump's Shrimp restaurant, the paper they put in the baskets with the food looks like a newspaper and has all of the things involving Forrest Gumpprinted on it. But on the page there is also a small article about Apollo 13 on it. Just a small fact!!
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Shema2000 writes:
Not sure about the Ping Pong scene, but Sinise and Hanks were shooting Apollo 13 while shooting Gump. So Sinise's dialog "The day you're a shrimp boat captain, then I'm an astronaut" and "Titanium Alloy, same thing they use on the space shuttle" are definitely references.
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