O Brother, Where Art Thou? Easter Egg - The Odyssey

Throughout the movie there are several paralells to Homers 'The Odyssey'. In the classic epic Odysseus encounters many hardships while on his journey. Including a Cyclops and Sirenes that attemp to draw his ship in to be destroyed against the jagged rocks. In the movie our three main characters also encounter similar characters. 'Big Dan' T., the supposed Bible salesmen, has only one eye, a parallel to the cyclops. Also our characters are drawn in by the singing of three beautiful women who are bathing in the river. Our main characters fal for the women and they give them moonshine and attempt to turn them in to the Police. Again, this parallels the Odyssey with the Sirenes. There are other parallels in the story but my knowledge of The Odyssey is a little rusty. Hope you enjoy.

User Rating:
  8.8/10 with 14 votes
Contributed By: DellowMan on 06-07-2007
Reviewed By: butterhoney12, arrell
Special Requirements: The Movie, and Some knowledge of Homers epic.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Zyber writes:
Do you think it might resemble The Oydssey because the movie is based on The Oydssey? Like right at the very end, as the credits role, where it says "Based on Homers The Oydssey". Or am I am just talking rubbish?
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ashb7 writes:
actually if you look the film up on wikipedia you will find that the whole film is loosely based on homers odyssey. wikipedia also gives a full listing of the references. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O_brother_where_art_thou
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DellowMan writes:
Hey Hunters, Thanks for the comment. I may have cheated a bit on the easter eggs qualifications. It wasnt exactly an unknown fact. It was more or less to imform those who dont know the movie that well and what not. Anyway, Thanks for the comments! I appreciate the criticism and critique. Keep 'em commin'! Happy hunting, Tommy
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