Smallville Easter Egg - Old Superman Meets New Superman

In one of the episodes, I'm not sure but where Clark goes to the caves where Lex's father is working there, Clark also goes to see a professor. This professor is Christopher Reeves (old Superman) and if you watch the end he says about the Christopher Reeves foundation and please donate. A joke their by C.Reeves but can't remember it!

User Rating:
  3.3/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-09-2007
Reviewed By: butterhoney12, dicai
Special Requirements: Err... TV I guess!
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Thorad writes:
Also, in season 4 (the same time as Christopher Reeves' death) they brought in Margot Kidder as Reeves' assistant. Margot Kidder played Lois Lane in the superman movies.
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ithegenius writes:
so is Martha Kent Lana Lang from superman
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