Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Easter Egg - Theme Music

Go to the scene where Harry, Ron, and Hermione are heading towards Hagrid's hut to ask him about where he got Norbert. Listen carefully when Hagrid is playing his flute. Its the Harry Potter theme music.

User Rating:
  5.2/10 with 12 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-07-2007
Reviewed By: butterhoney12, arrell
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Zanda Rag writes:
Ummm...didn't everyone who has ever seen this movie notice this? I mean, that song is played a buttload of times throughout the movie, and the flute thing isn't quiet. Don't write things down that aren't eggs.
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Lunazen writes:
Ummm... don't be so mean and nasty Zanda. I would consider this a valid egg as clearly not everyone has noticed. Have seen the movie dozens of times and never did. Nice one!
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