Guns n' Roses Easter Egg - Axl Rose's Secret Name

So we all know our good ol' friend Axl Rose but have you ever rearranged the letters in his name?

AXL ROSE rearrange the letters to..

Oral S**

User Rating:
  4.2/10 with 18 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-09-2007
Reviewed By: butterhoney12, dicai
Special Requirements: Brain,Pencil and paper
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Daniel writes:
LOL! that has got to be the worst egg i've seen. You could simply re-arrange the letters of most things to get something completely different. If there was some relation between him and oral sex, it would be something but i dont see anything relative here... oh and by the way, axl is a common name, only his is spelt "axl" rather than "axel"
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bearsrock523 writes:
why are you laughing, you're the stupid one. Axl Rose changed his name, he was born as William Bruce you're dumb.
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Lol that's bad
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Hellwyck writes:
Anyone who's an actual Guns 'n' Roses fan already knows this anagram, it's been common knowledge from the beginning (Axl used it to get the band noticed in the 1980s).
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