Minesweeper Easter Egg - Minesweeper Egg for Pixel

1.open up minesweeper
2.Type xyzzy then hold the shift button(3 secs will suffice) this typing is not in a blank its just on screen
3.enjoy the fun as you run your cursor over a spot a pixel in the top left of the screen will change color white=no mine

Have fun with showing your friends

User Rating:
  4.5/10 with 27 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-06-2007
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, MorPH
Special Requirements: minesweeper, a keyboard, a mouse
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Goatboy writes:
I think this is an actual cheat rather then an egg because I've seen this on many cheat websites. Can anyone confirm this or is there something significant about the code xyzzy
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lindrak writes:
this wont work for me, what am i doing wrong
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doihaveto? writes:
VG Guru here! Ok, xyzzy is an old code that did something strange or funny in text based adventure games, such as '~xyzzy Nothing happened. Whoop de doo!' from a game that I don't recall. If you find a game where you type the commands, be sure to try that code.
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Laz writes:
Actually it's xyzzy then Shift+Enter then Enter and it works, the pixel is very small though so look carefully.
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