HeXen: Beyond Heretic Easter Egg - Spectre Poultry

First, start a game. You don't have to use any race in particular, just choose one. Then use the items cheat INDIANA

Now, look through your inventory until you find a golden egg. This is an item that is also found in Heretic. (The Prequal to this game)
In Heritic, it is called the Morph Ovum. If you are using Z-Doom, and you drop the item, it should have green energy buzzing around it. Now, it's much easier to use this e-egg in Z-Doom, when you have a crosshair, but it is still possible in normal Hexen. Aim your weapon at the enemy, with the golden egg selected, and use the item. This, in Heretic, would cause the enemy to turn into a chicken, much like the dreaded 'Porkalator' in Hexen turns enemys into pigs. However, in Hexen, the chicken is totally invisible, and so you cannot see it! The best thing is, that this item even works against bosses, including Korax, the boss of the whole game! An invisible chicken only has 15 health, so if you find it, you can kill it almost instantly!

Happy poultry hunting!

User Rating:
  6.0/10 with 3 votes
Contributed By: Myke on 04-16-2007
Reviewed By: racedogg2, dicai
Special Requirements: Hexen ------ Z-Doom (optional)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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