Wii Sports Easter Egg - 91 Pin Blowout

1. Enter training option at home menu. (button w/barbells)
2. Select power throws. (second bowling training)
3. Wait until you are at the 91 pin bowl.
4. Press "A"
5. Turn 2 notches. (right for right-handed people, left for lefties)
6. press "A" again
7. Move all the way to the side (right for right-handed people, left for lefties)
8. Throw the ball normally, no fancy grips.
9. The ball will roll down the bumper and hit an almost unnoticeable red button at the end of the lane, if it rides on top of the bumper correctly.
10. Enjoy the chaos and try to breathe.

User Rating:
  7.7/10 with 27 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 04-15-2007
Reviewed By: racedogg2, dicai
Special Requirements: power-throws bowling training activity
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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gamefreak writes:
Pretty cool egg,even though it dosn't work for lefties
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Daniel writes:
LOLZ!!!!!!! man that is so damn funny, when i first saw that im like "TRY AND BEAT MY RECORD NOW!!!" lol, nice find
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Nox13last writes:
It DOES word for lefties, you just need to modify your tactic. Even on the first throw, if you zoom in, you can see two buttons on either side. They'd probably be easier to see if you had a HDTV cable for your Wii... The first time I tried this, I watched my ball roll down the rail. And I just waited. When I thought "Nothing's gonna happen..." I just heard a small 'click', the ground shudders and all the pins topple in a nice pattern. I just laughed so hard.
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Elizabeth writes:
Haha, wow that is pretty cool, it took a couple of practice rounds for me though to get the ball to ride on top of the thing right. The ball has to ride it all the way to the end.
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