Google Earth Easter Egg - Google Headquarters Swimming Pool

open google earth and in the search bar type the co-ordinates:

37 25'20.42" N 122 05'06.07" W

it will take you to the google headquarters in california

zooming in will enable you to see a hidden image in their swimming pool

at this point i feel advertising is unnecessary!

User Rating:
  4.8/10 with 34 votes
Contributed By: jimmy on 04-15-2007
Reviewed By: racedogg2, dicai
Special Requirements: google earth (version 4)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

Google domais images of satellites!  o.O OMG! The message... this is the
Google domais images of satellites! o.O OMG! The message... this is the "hidden" image in Google swimming pool
Am I really the first to do funny Hi, this is the word I think I found it, lol
Am I really the first to do funny Hi, this is the word "Google" in Google Headquarters Swimming Pool... I think I found it, lol
Google pool no google sign but usb dongle definitely no Google logo!
Google pool no google sign but usb dongle definitely no Google logo!

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djcool345 writes:
I heard a rumor that its not actually in the pool,the satellite image was edited or something,I dont know if its true though
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Clicko man writes:
It doesn't work on google maps. You can't zoom that much. Also, I think they edited the pool. it looks fake.
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Nicktrance writes:
it's been edited now instead enable 3d buildings and you'll find a 3d sketch of the pools!!
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The Haz writes:
It is an edited fake. On my version of Google Earth (V 3.0) it doesn't even have it. The pool is emtpy.
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they edit these pictures every time, i mean it is their software that's being used to find the location, they just take the satellite image and switch out the pool, July 20th 2009 i checked it and got what looks to be USB dongles
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When I went to the Mountain View Google Headquarters, we walked by the pools. We were told they are lap pools. The man giving us the tour told us that the logo was edited into the satellite image later. I did not see a logo when I looked into the lap pool.
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Pep Pools writes:
The pools at Google HQ are real. They have been well photographed, and printed in magazines like Newsweek. I know absolutely because I work for the American company (in the UK) who sold the pools to Google. Thank you to all those interested enough to talk about the pools I am proud to sell.
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