Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion Easter Egg - Cool Secrets and Stuff

Suicide Note
Go to the Mouth of the Panther and head north. You should find a bridge and highwayman. Kill the highwayman and look under the bridge. A troll in the water will be found. Its dead search the body and on it is a suicide note. :(

Haunted House
Go to skingrad and go to Naestraels house. Across from it is a locked house break in and inside is a house full of GHosts and skeletons

Ghost Mudcrab
At Mankar Comarans Paradise, head past the frost antronach and into the water surronding the island. Even though it is almost pretty much impossible to give exact location its not hard to find the crab. Just swim around until you find a lush around that is sticking out just like an Oblivon Gate in the wilderness. Climb the stairs on the island and the crab is on the top.

In the first theieves guild mission where you havce to steel Amatus Allectus head into his basement (if you have time or dont give Armand journal right away because a gaurd may come)alot of blood and plants greet you. Read Amatus's journal and learn he was a making a vampire plant.

Arena Signs
The signs are a bit of nostalgia. Those are the original signs of the Elder Scrolls 1: Arena

Antoinetta Marie
This is a reference to the old Empress of France. To find her join the Dark Brotherhood and she should be walking around in the sancturary

Horse Whisperer Stables
This is an OBVIOUS reference to the old Movie starring Robert Redford. TO find it head to Anvil stables.

User Rating:
  6.4/10 with 16 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-24-2007
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, MorPH
Special Requirements: Oblivion Game
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Cheatsamigo writes:
Lol, the suicide note is labelled: 'a poorly scrawled note' and it says this: "mee is wurrst troll evurr." "nobuddy pay briff tole" " mee nott sceary enuf" "me gett drunc an kil sellf" "trol droun" i cryed when i saw this ='( ='(] ='[ ='[ ='[ ='[ ='[
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MorlanV writes:
The Haunted House is most probably the house you buy in Anvil, and you must complete the mission that is obtained when sleeping inside it. When you sleep, you wake up an hour later by ghosts and it saying that you were woken by a crash downstairs. When you finish the mission, the house is restored but the inside stays the same.
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