Bruce Almighty Easter Egg - 9/11 Tribute

okay, this on the scene where Bruce decides to turn all the prayers into post-it notes so they will get out of his head. this scene was actually shot on 9/11 and so the director had all of the cast and crew write on post it notes their feelings toward this terrorist attack. those are the post it notes that are in the movie... prayers and thoughts from the cast and crew.

User Rating:
  6.9/10 with 12 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 02-27-2007
Reviewed By: racedogg2, dicai
Special Requirements: the dvd and eyes
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Vanb writes:
An Extra - If you freeze the movie when the scene changes to Grace in bed with all the post-it notes all over her (before the notes go out of focus), there is a note in the bottom right hand corner that says "Lord, Don't let this movie suck!"
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