Spongebob the movie Easter Egg - Bad Words in Spongebob?

First off this eggs starts at the part in the movie when the promotion to be the new krusty krab manager is going to be announced. When Mr. Krabs announces the new manager spongebob go nuts and thinks he won. When Mr. Krabs starts to wisper in spongebob's ear spongebob says "Im making a complete what of myself?" Then if you listen Mr. Krabs will say about 5 cusswords.

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  5.5/10 with 10 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 02-27-2007
Reviewed By: MorPH, dicai
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Joe Davison writes:
Jackass, weasel... I haven't got much more yet.
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pmsocd1 writes:
Okay first of all, Mr.Krabs does not say that. After Spongebob says "im making a complete what out of myself" Mr.Krab mumbles. He does not cuss Or say any offensive language. So get your story straight before you come on this website to Make up lies just so you can fool and make people believe that its true. I have watched that movie over and over even in slow motion and trust me.. Mr.Krabs does not say that
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