Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Easter Egg - Understanding What the Dahaka Says

It is possible to actually understand what the Dahaka says. When doing a Dahaka Run, and the Dahaka talks, you won't be able to understand it. Let's change that.

About half a second to a second after he finishes talking, use Recall to rewind time. If your timing was good, you can understand what he actually says.

Some phrases are:

"You are quick, mortal... quick to die"
"You will be removed"
"Disrupt the Timeline no further"
"All who have come before you have fallen"
"No-one escapes the Dahaka"
"You cannot escape the Dahaka"
"You cannot escape your fate"
"Come to me... come to your death!"

...and some other phrases can be heard with this method.

User Rating:
  9.3/10 with 32 votes
Contributed By: TheGameMaster on 02-01-2007
Reviewed By: Jabberwocky, racedogg2
Special Requirements: At least one full sand tank, good timing
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Cheatsamigo writes:
Oh hell this is cool! This should be rated as a 10! Nice find dude, good one!
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Now That's a Cool Egg
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