Jericho Easter Egg - Show Title Morse Code

The title for the show Jericho contains Morse Code, but if you listen carefully you will notice that the code changes each episode!

The message changes, sometime giving insight into the episode itself (i.e. In the eighth episode, "Rogue River", Rob Hawkins tells Gray Anderson that he is a FBI agent that is undercover in Jericho to investigate "suspicious contacts in this area", but the morse code clearly states "ROB NOT FBI"). Below is a list of the codes translated from each episode so far. Enjoy!

Episode 1 - JERICHO PILOT        
Episode 2  - JERICHO FALLO     
Episode 3 - JERICHO THREE  
Episode 4 - HE KNOWS ROB  
Episode 5 - THERE IS A FIRE 
Episode 6 - THE EMP HITS    
Episode 7 - PRAY FOR NYC  
Episode 8 - ROB NOT FBI     
Episode 9  - AOV SURPRISE  (assumed to be "Area Of Vunerability")
Episode 10 - IT BEGINS WITH

User Rating:
  8.8/10 with 12 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 12-17-2006
Reviewed By: racedogg2, MorPH
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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KNARF writes:
In season two episode 6(sedition)one of the soldiers getting out of the back of a truck has the name turteltaub on his uniform reference to jon turteltaub executive producer there is you an egg.
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BadWolf writes:
The first episode of season 2: WE 1RE BAAACK It's funny,i used about 5 programs and my cellphone to decode it =D
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